Rebecca Jennings has over 14 years experience designing, delivering and evaluating sessions, training and workshops for Schools, Colleges and PRU's. Whether you need a one off puberty session or a whole Sex & Relationship Education (SRE) Curriuclum designed, RAISE can work in partnership with your school or group to design a bespoke service to suit your requirements. Please get in touch to find out more.

As an Author, Teacher & Trainer of Sex & Relatonships Education Rebecca has deigned the RAISE (Raising Awareness in Sex Education) programme to ensure children and young people have access to the correct information which is appropriate to their age and level of understanding.
Sessions Include:
Body Image
Healthy Relationships
CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation)
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Forced marriage
Impact of Porngrahy
Sexting & Social Media
"Just wanted to say how impressed I was with the whole set up-the sessions were well organised, content was informative and remained appropriate throughout, even with the open forum style discussions. The delivery was worlds apart from what we did last year"
Workshops & Events Delivered by Rebecca Jennings

SRE Training For Staff in Schools at Cherished Conference
In July this year Rebecca delivered an interactive Workshop for Primary School Teaching Staff. The workshop provided staff with the opportunity to view recommended resources and techniques to teach Puberty, FGM and Healthy Realtionships to children. Cherished is a CIC based in Sutton Coldfield, Cherished Founder Hannah provides inspiring worshops, groups and events to promote confidence, self-worth and aspirations to young girls.
Sec Ed One Day Conference, Birmingham
At the conference in November Rebecca delivered a workshop to staff around RSE content, updating RSE policy and engaging parents. The workshop was based around a number of the DfE’s published “pillars of content” to ensure the advice and best practice on offer will help schools to prepare effectively.
Abbey Junior School, Birmingham